Photography Friday – JDM Allstars AdRPhotography Friday – JDM Allstars AdR

Time goes by quickly and I never had the chance to show you my perspective of the JDM Allstars Round 4 that took place in Anneau du Rhin this year.

James Deane was the man of the day, putting on a awesome show and was awarded with first place in the end!

Jacob was also on the podium and took second place !

he drives such a nice car

Dirt Drop Phil doing his thing.. and yes, he took 3rd place overall. great driving from him all day!

5th place took Walton Smith in his subaru

6th place goes to Patrick Ritzman

Tobi from our Team made it on the 13th place

Beno Frieden was awarded 8th place

In a battle between Beno and Paul Vlassbom, Paul came of the track at the very fast bit and almost flipped his car. Lucky he was unhurt but was unable to procede

After the very fast bit of the track it was quite difficult for the driver to slow down for the next corner

resulting in some spectacular fly offs in the gravel

one more..

another popular place to go off track

as a photorapher I like dirt drop, as it adds some more drama in the picture, niiicee

one special thing about this event was, that it started at 5pm and the action continued until 12 in the night !

this lead to some difficulties taking pictures

as it started to get darker it was still possible to take good shots

but as it got darker, it got quit difficult to take usefull pictures

on the other side, it was an incredible atmosphere and the battles well worth watching

another plus point in the night is, that you see every backfire very cleary. Here Phil exiting the corner hanging in the rev limiter

no doubt this BMWproduced the most smoke, loveing it

Andrew from our Team doing a practise run

the drivers also had problems to see where they where going…

after the battles where over, the drivers pleased the crowed with some massive burnouts

smoke everywhere..

do I see a glowing/burning brakedisk here… 😉

So as usual you can find this and more pictures of the event on my Website at:
Also Join my Facebook Page to see all the news photography wise from my side

Also Check out Martins Website for more coverage of the event: goes by quickly and I never had the chance to show you my perspective of the JDM Allstars Round 4 that took place in Anneau du Rhin this year.

James Deane was the man of the day, putting on a awesome show and was awarded with first place in the end!

Jacob was also on the podium and took second place !

he drives such a nice car

Dirt Drop Phil doing his thing.. and yes, he took 3rd place overall. great driving from him all day!

5th place took Walton Smith in his subaru

6th place goes to Patrick Ritzman

Tobi from our Team made it on the 16th place

Beno Frieden was awarded 8th place

In a battle between Beno and Paul Vlassbom, Paul came of the track at the very fast bit and almost flipped his car. Lucky he was unhurt but was unable to procede

After the very fast bit of the track it was quite difficult for the driver to slow down for the next corner

resulting in some spectacular fly offs in the gravel

one more..

another popular place to go off track

as a photorapher I like dirt drop, as it adds some more drama in the picture, niiicee

one special thing about this event was, that it started at 5pm and the action continued until 12 in the night !

this lead to some difficulties taking pictures

as it started to get darker it was still possible to take good shots

but as it got darker, it got quit difficult to take usefull pictures

on the other side, it was an incredible atmosphere and the battles well worth watching

another plus point in the night is, that you see every backfire very cleary. Here Phil exiting the corner hanging in the rev limiter

no doubt this BMWproduced the most smoke, loveing it

Andrew from our Team doing a practise run

the drivers also had problems to see where they where going…

after the battles where over, the drivers pleased the crowed with some massive burnouts

smoke everywhere..

do I see a glowing/burning brakedisk here… 😉

So as usual you can find this and more pictures of the event on my Website at:
Also Join my Facebook Page to see all the news photography wise from my side :

Also Check out Martins Website for more coverage of the event:

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